[email protected] | 020 227 224
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Radno vrijeme: 08:00 - 21:00
(laboratorija i nedjeljom 10:00 - 17:00)

[email protected] | 020 227 224
[email protected] | 020 227 227
[email protected] | 020 227 444
Working hours: 08:00 - 21:00
(laboratory and on Sundays 10:00 - 17:00)


High quality dental care. Years of experience in creating perfect smiles


Healthcare, wellbeing , aesthetics

Comprehensive and precise diagnosis is the most important prerequisite for a successful treatment. Our dental clinic contains all available cutting edge diagnostic tools required for precise treatment planning concerning the pathologies of oral cavity.

3D CBCT Scanner Planmeca ProMax

Besides the regular panoramic dental Xray, Planmeca CBCT scanner can also preform a full scan of upper and lower jaw.

This kind of dental scan is useful for treatments in implantology, dental surgery, endodontics, periodontology and prosthodontics, due to its ability to process data in all three dimensions, thus contributing to the successful treatment execution. The process of preforming a scan is quick and painless. One scan has all the necessary information for planning a comprehensive rehabilitation of oral cavity.

3D CBCT Scanner Planmeca Promed

Planmeca-in Promed CBCT Skener nudi mogućnost šireg snimanja maksilofacijalne regije, paranasalnih šupljina i usne duplje, i indikovan je kao dijagnostičko sredstvo u oralnoj, maksilofacijalnoj i ORL hirurgiji. Takođe se koristi za snimanje koljena, zglobova i ekstremiteta, kao dijagnostičko sredstvo za ortopedski pregled.

3D CBCT Scanner Planmeca Promed

Planmeca Promed CBCT Scanner offers a possibility of extended scan for an entire maxillofacial area, paranasal sinuses and oral cavity. It represents an indicated diagnostic tool for oral, maxillofacial and ENT (Ear Nose Throat) surgery. Besides the head and neck area, this scanner is also useful for the orthopaedic diagnostics, as it can preform scans of knees, joints and extremities.

Intraoral Xray

Intraoral X—ray is a small portable tablet used for making scans inside the oral cavity, while the patient is seated in the dental chair. The process of scanning is comfortable, quick and painless. The resulting Xray is a useful diagnostic tool applied in a wide range of treatments in restorative dentistry, conservative dentistry, endodontics (Root canal treatments), periodontal treatment , as well as in dental surgery, implantology and prosthodontics.

Smile design

Smile Design represents one of the newest treatment planning concepts in aesthetic dentistry. Smile Design software uses the photograph of patients face in order simulate the end result of the treatment, before the start of the treatment. In this way, patient can actively participate in creation of their perfect smile.


Superior life-long solution

Implantology is dental specialty dealing with rehabilitation of edentulous zones (toothless zones ) through the use of dental implants. The loss of teeth can occur as a result of trauma, periodontal disease or carious lesions.
After the loss of teeth, adjacent teeth start moving towards the newly created open space, thereby reducing the gap that was created by the tooth loss. Placement of dental implants can impede this prevent this process, and therefore restore the normal function and appearance of the affected jaw. Regardless of the cause of tooth loss, dental implants are currently the best solution for the replacement of lost teeth.

Unlike prosthesis , which entirely rests upon the gums – causing the vertical loss of underlying bone, or dental bridges – that require preparation and inclusion of the adjacent teeth, dental implants are introduced into the jaw bone – thereby simulating the natural function of the tooth root , which is to support a single tooth crown.


Research shows that the loss of teeth has a negative impact on the quality of life:

Emotional health and self-esteem:

– Reduced self esteem
– Reduced social interaction
– Increased risk of emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety, etc.


  • Before treatment 70% 70%
  • Implant placement 80% 80%
  • Final teeth 90% 90%

Kolinski et al. 2013, De Rouck et al. 2009

Physical health:

– Limiting the diet ;
– Difficulty chewing ;
– Causes the movement of adjacent teeth, which can produce a change in normal bite and consequently pain in the muscles and joints of the jaw.

Physical appearance:

– Loss of teeth leads to the loss of jaw bone volume ;
– The loss of jaw bone volume contributes to the structural change of facial features.


  • Before treatment 60% 60%
  • Implant placement 75% 75%
  • Final teeth 85% 85%


  • Before treatment 80% 80%
  • Implant placement 85% 85%
  • Final teeth 95% 95%


  • Before treatment 60% 60%
  • Implant placement 65% 65%
  • Final teeth 95% 95%


  • Before treatment 65% 65%
  • Implant placement 75% 75%
  • Final teeth 90% 90%

Kolinski et al. 2013, De Rouck et al. 2009

How does the lack of teeth affect the bone health :

– The absence of a single tooth leads to the reduction in volume of the surrounding bone. .

– The absence of multiple teeth significantly affects the reduction of bone volume, and could cause a change in the appearance of jaw and face.
– The absence of all teeth can lead to the complete degradation of jaw bone, which in turn causes the collapse of structural elements of the face, like cheeks and lips, and contributes to the old appearance.


The lost tooth can be completely replaced by an implant, without drilling and preparing the adjacent healthy teeth. Implant, together with the prosthetic crown, represents the best solution for missing tooth replacement, both functionally as well as esthetically.
If the patient has several missing teeth, there are couple of different treatment methods.
Every lost tooth may be replaced with an implant. Alternatively, fewer number of implants may support a bridge restoration in order to replace all the missing teeth.
If the patient is missing all of the natural teeth, she may be an ideal candidate for the All-on-four treatment method.
This treatment includes the placement of 4 implants which support the fixed prosthesis, which solves the problem of missing teeth in the entire jaw whilst avoiding the problem of mobility often present with removable prosthesis.
If the patient is missing all of the natural teeth, she may be an ideal candidate for the All-on-four treatment method.
This treatment includes the placement of 4 implants which support the fixed prosthesis, which solves the problem of missing teeth in the entire jaw whilst avoiding the problem of mobility often present with removable prosthesis.

Your personal treatment plan

Consultation and examination:
During your first appointment, dentist will preform a clinical check up and consultation. Subsequently, the CBCT scan will be preformed, which is a key step In establishing the precise diagnosis and planning an indicated treatment. In case there are several different treatment options, patient will receive all the relevant information regarding every single option.

Treatment planning
Using the computerized methods of treatment planning, we create your personal plan of rehabilitation.

Minimally invasive approach
By using the most advanced surgical techniques, we ensure the minimal presence of post-operative pain and swelling, so that the patient can return promptly to their everyday activities.
There are two different treatment methods in implantology known as Immediate Loading and Delayed Loading.
The immediate loading technique enables the placement of dental crown on the implant, straight after the implant placement. This technique is indicated for the patients that have the optimal bone quality, and therefore sufficient primary stability of an implant. This conditions enable us to immediately “load” the implant, and complete the entire treatment in a single visit.

However, if a patient does not have an optimal bone quality (which is often the case with elderly patients), the preferred technique is delayed loading. This technique consists of implant placement followed by a waiting period of 6 months – a time necessary for hard and soft tissues around implant to mature and reach a desired stability (process known as osseointegration). Once the ‘’bond’’ between the bone and an implant is achieved, the improved stability will enable the placement of dental crown upon the implant.

Placing an implant – which entirely replaces the missing tooth, we restore the normal function and optimal esthetics, while preserving the health of the bone, gums and adjacent teeth.

Bone augmentation

The absence of teeth and masticatory function (chewing function) causes the loss of bone volume. Bone augmentation procedure is preformed in order to regenerate the bone before or during an implant placement. The material that is used for bone augmentation can be harvested from your own organism, or using the synthetic sources (Geistlich Bio-Oss)

Post extraction socket preservation

After tooth extraction, gums naturally migrate into an empty socket. There are many techniques used for preventing the migration of soft tissue into an area of extraction, the most successful being socket preservation technique. This technique is preformed by introducing the bone grafting material (Geistlich Bio-Oss) into the extraction socket. Implant can be placed along with the bone graft, or several months later after the maturation of the graft, depending on the indication.
1.) Empty space is left as a consequence of tooth extraction
2.) Using bone grafting material to fill the bone defect after extraction for a purpose of preventing bone loss (Geistlich Bio-Oss)
3.) Using the membrane (Geistlich Bio-Gide or PRF membrane) in order to fix the bone graft.
4.) The Suturing the gums over the bone graft, while preparing for the placement of a definitive crown.
1.) Analysis of the alveolar ridge (bone surrounding the teeth) before implant placement, using CBCT scan and treatment planning software.
2.) Implant placement
3.) Placement of bone graft in the implant surrounding for the purpose of obtaining the optimal stability and maintaining the natural bone volume. (Geistlich Bio-Oss)
4-5.) Maturation of the bone graft and total osseointegration (bond formation between bone and implant), resulting in optimal function and aesthetics.


Sinus lift procedure implies elevation of the maxillary floor membrane, and it is indicated in cases where the inadequate horizontal and vertical dimensions of the upper jaw prevent the classic implant placement approach.
Sinus lift procedure is preformed using the advanced W&H Piezo Implant system, which increases the safety of the procedure and prevents the possibility of injuring the delicate structures in the surrounding of the maxillary sinus.

Through elevation of the sinus membrane, which represents the floor of maxillary sinus, and subsequent placement of bone graft support, we can create optimal vertical and horizontal dimensions necessary for the implant placement. Implant can be placed during the sinus lift procedure, or several months after the bone graft maturation – depending on the indication.

1.) Horizontal and vertical dimensions of bone below the maxillary sinus are insufficient for the implant placement
2.) Elevating the maxillary sinus floor.
3.) Bone Graft placement (Geistlich Bio-Oss) followed by the implant placement in the location of an elevated sinus floor.
4.) Completed regeneration of bone volume and implant osseointegration.


Horizontal and vertical bone augmentation is used in cases where the volume of bone in lower jaw is insufficient for implant placement.

Through the bone graft placement (Geistlich Bio-Oss), we can obtain the necessary dimensions for implant placement, either at the same time , or several months after the bone graft maturation – depending of an indication.

1.) Inadequate vertical and horizontal dimension of the jaw-bone.
2.) Horizontal and vertical augmentation of the bone using the bone grafting material (Geistlich Bio-Oss)
3.) Implant placement after obtaining adequate bone dimension


Guided tissue regeneration is used in multiple situations where it is necessary to regenerate soft and hard tissues surrounding the natural teeth or implants. This technique enables us to partially regenerate the lost volume of bone , and therefore increase the lifetime of a natural tooth or an implant.



Achieving desired aesthetic outcomes.

Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry dealing with diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of oral function, comfort, aesthetics and health of the patients who suffer from the absence of teeth, through the use of biocompatible dental materials.

Prosthetic rehabilitation can solve the problems of partial or total absence of teeth, irregular bite, or aesthetic concerns.


Dental crown:

Broken tooth should not be ignored. Dental crown is made using a biocompatible material (such as ceramics or zirconium) which cannot cause allergic reactions. Our own in-house dental laboratory produces crowns and bridges with the help of an advanced Procera CAD-CAM system.
If the patients are not happy with the appearance or function of their dentition – they are perfect candidates for this type of treatment.


During your first appointment, dentist will preform routine intraoral exam in order to analyse the current state of your oral cavity. Subsequently, impressions of both upper and lower jaw are taken at the dental chair and developed in our dental laboratory – which produces the exact structural and functional replica of your jaw.

An indispensable part of the first appointment is the photo session – which helps us identify the main aesthetic concerns. Through the analysis and discussion, patient and dentist work together to decide which aspects of patients smile could be modified. At this stage, it is also possible to preform the Art Smile Design technique to simulate possible future outcomes, before the start of the treatment. During this consult, you will be informed about the different types of materials and techniques that are indicated for use in your case.
The second phase of treatment consists of prosthetic tooth preparation and impression taking. These impressions are used for the production of definitive crowns at our dental laboratory. After the impression taking, patient receives temporary crowns In order to preserve the normal function, appearance and soft tissue level, while waiting for the definitive crowns to be produced.


Our dental clinic can provide a wide spectrum of oral surgery treatments, both using local anaesthetics and, where indicated, intravenous sedation controlled by the anaesthesiologist.

  • Extraction of impacted teeth – is one of the most common oral surgical procedures. The most common group of teeth presenting the lack of eruption or partial eruption are wisdom teeth – which can compromise the health of adjacent teeth due to their pathologic position.
  • Apicotomy and cystectomy – surgical treatment of periapical lesions (lesions on the top of the root) .
  • Ortho-surgical treatments – involving orthodontic extrusion of un-erupted teeth and their timely relocation to a proper position.


An increasing number of individuals suffering from periodontal disease, which can result in partial or total loss of teeth, have indicated the need for regenerative treatments of tooth supporting structures, post extraction bone sockets, and bone sites designated for implant therapy.
At the beginning of 2007. FDA approves the use of rhBMP-2 (recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2) for the following dental treatments: sinus lift surgery, alveolar ridge reconstruction, post extaction socket preservation, apicotomy, cystectomy. This protein act as a catalyst for bone formation.


PDGF ( platelet-derived growth factor) is one of multiple growth factors and proteins that regulate cell growth and cell division. It has an important role in formation and growth of blood vessels.


PRP & PRF are abbreviations for “platelet rich plasma/ platelet rich fibrin”. They can be harvested from patients own blood, and can be used in sinus lift surgery, alveolar ridge reconstruction, socket preservation, apicotomy and cystectomy. It can be used as plasma addition to the artificial bone graft, functioning as a mediator of growth factor release and stimulant for the angiogenesis process – therefore aiding the preservation of artificial bone graft volume. When used as fibrin, it can shorten the post operative healing time, and reduce the occurrence of bruising and haemorrhage.


Prevention first

Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of morbidity associated with oral cavity, which is particularly prevalent among groups of elderly and at risk patients. The disease causes resorption of tooth supporting structures leading to the compromised tooth stability, and ultimately – loss of teeth.

Periodontal disease is caused by the accumulation of dental plaque which eventually converts into harder mineralized dental calculus. To prevent transition from dental plaque to calculus, it is necessary to practice dental hygiene every day, three times a day.
It is also recommended to visit your dentist once in 6 months for a regular dental hygiene treatment.


Treatment methods for periodontitis can be either conservative or surgical:

Conservative treatment methods can successfully treat mild forms of periodontal disease marked by the absence of significant bone loss. These treatments consist of dental plaque and calculus debridement, elimination of associated risk factors and patient education.

Surgical treatment is applied in cases where progressive bone loss has occurred, and thus rendered other more conservative treatment options inadequate. Surgical treatment can include different forms of gingivoplasty and gingivectomy (surgical resection of gums).


Timely discovery of periodontal disease followed by an indicated treatment plan is of a paramount importance for maintaining the healthy state of oral cavity. Delaying the diagnosis and treatment may result in progressive development of disease, which worsens the diagnosis as the damaged tissues can no longer regenerate.


Minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgical procedures like gingivectomy, tissue proliferation, biopsy, clinical crown lengthening, frenulum removal, apthous ulceration treatment, abscess incision and drainage, as well as the implant debridement can be preformed painlessly with the use of laser.


Treating the root cause

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry concerned with diagnosing and treating conditions of dental pulp and structures associated with a tooth root.

Endodontic treatment may be indicated in cases where:

  • Patient feels pain upon exposure to an extreme temperature (e.g. while consuming cold or hot beverages)
  • Pain during the consumption of sweet food
  • Pain upon applying pressure to the tooth in question (e.g. when biting )

Consult and examination:

During the first appointment, after the presentation of painful sensation, your dentist will preform an initial intraoral examination. Intraoral examination consists of different diagnostic methods that may be applied in order to check the integrity of mineralized tooth structure and health of the dental pulp.


Intraoral Xray is an indispensable part of every endodontic treatment. Xray indicates the presence and extent of the carious lesion or fracture – which appear as dark defects on the image. This is a key diagnostic tool in root canal treatment, because it can show the exact extent of the defect – thereby enabling us form an adequate treatment plan. Defect reaching into the area of dental pulp one of the indications for root canal treatment.
Software analysis of an Xray can be preformed in order to measure the dimensions of the root canal – a key feature of interest in root canal treatment.


Root canal treatment is preformed in local anaesthesia and it is totally painless. With the use of automatic device for root shaping along with apex locator device for vertical dimension measurement and a laser for cleaning and debridement, we are able to complete the entire procedure in short time, with an ever higher rates of success.

Before / After


Treating the most important smiles

Paediatric and preventive dentistry is a branch of dentistry concerned with maintenance and preservation of primary teeth in children , which is directly related to the quality and strength of permanent teeth.

Good hygiene maintenance, coupled with balanced diet are main prerequisites for caries prevention. The most common indicator of caries presence is improper oral hygiene.

This is precisely why it is important to carefully select the good quality tools for oral hygiene maintenance:

• Tooth brush;
• Tooth paste;
• Dental floss;
• Dental rinse .

Regular dental checkups along with preventive measures for tooth protection can help us avoid the occurrence of different pathologies of teeth and associated structures.

Preventive measures for tooth protection are : fluoridation of teeth, fissure sealing, conservative treatments of primary and secondary dentition.


Fissure sealing consists of liquid composite application inside the tooth fissures (surface indentations that are likely to retain increased amounts of plaque) in order to prevent plaque retention and subsequent development of carious lesions.

The first permanent teeth that erupt at the age of six are molar teeth, which have an important role of forming a proper bite in the early age. This period of transition from primary to permanent dentition is often marked by the lack of proper oral hygiene. This is why fissure sealing is one of the key treatments that should be preformed at this time .


Primary teeth eruption sequence starts at sixth month and ends after the third year. After the eruption of the second primary tooth, child should be taken to the first dental appointment. Primary teeth should be treated with equal care as the permanent teeth, as this will prevent the spread of infections from primary to permanent teeth, keep the necessary space for the subsequent eruption of permanent teeth, and develop healthy habits.


Anxiety-free dental experience

Visiting a dentist can often cause anxiety in patients, which results in treatment delay and subsequent worsening of oral health.
Fear, uncomfortable sensation while seated in the dental chair, unpleasant noises, dental anaesthesia and long appointments, are just some of the factors that increase the anxiety of a patient in preparation for dental treatment. However, they can all be eliminated with the use of analgo-sedation which enables our patients to have relaxing and painless treatmet.

Due to the worsening condition, it is often necessary to preform complex treatments that require several appointments.

Sedation in dentistry enables us to preform complex treatments in a single appointment, while minimising the anxiety and fear experienced by the patient.

Analgo-sedation is a state of reduced consciousness, which helps patient stay calm and relaxed throughout the treatment. Our team of anaesthesiologists will administer the medication before the treatment, which starts only after the patient falls asleep. Patient will remain calm, with no experience of pain throughout the treatment, and will eventually wake up with no recollection of the procedure. This type of treatment is indicated for all types of complicated procedures that last more than 20 minutes. It can be used during comprehensive implant and prosthetic rehabilitations for all the patients that experience pronounced fear and anxiety.

Dental tourism

Montenegro is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations of Europe. Unique combination of seaside and mountains offers to tourists a wide range of opportunities, starting with the serene getaway in the Bay of Boka, and ending with the adventurous exploration of the mountain massifs in the country with the highest average elevation of Europe.
Dental tourism in Montenegro presents an ideal opportunity for the patients who wish to combine travel and leisure with dental healthcare treatment.
For more than three decades, international patients have recognised dental clinic of Specialized hospital Ars Medica as the center for high quality dental treatments in implantology, prosthodontics and aesthetic dentistry.

Therefore, a special part of the clinic is dedicated exclusively to the patients coming from abroad, either for a short business trip, or a holiday. Despite the short stay, patients have the opportunity to get comprehensive dental treatment, starting with complete diagnosis and concluding with the comprehensive rehabilitation of wide spectrum of functional and aesthetic problems.

Patients can stay in one of the hospitals luxury apartments during the course of the treatment.

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Free transport from the airport in Podgorica or Tivat to the clinic


Free transport from the clinic to the airport in Podgorica or Tivat.


Free accommodation in one of our luxury hospital apartments.


Assistance during reservation of hotels or other types of accommodation outside the clinic.


Assistance during organisation of touristic visits and tours.

Visit Sveti Stefan

Sveti Stefan is a small peninsula at the coast of Adriatic Sea with a luxurious 5 star hotel resort, just 6 km away from Budva. Its diverse history which dates to the times of the Venetian Republic is still reflecting from the preserved walls of its fortress that forms a sublime blend with the surrounding sea, sandy beaches, and massive mountains in the background.

Visit Kotor

Kotor is one of the historic cultural and trade centres of the southern Adriatic, with its port and city walls under the UNESCO world heritage protection. Kotor and its surroundings belonged to the Republic of Venice, which is evident from the venetian architectural style permeating the city walls. The Bay of Kotor is one of the deepest and longest bays of Europe, and it is regarded as the southernmost European fjord. The town is sheltered by the cliffs of mountains Lovcen and Orijen.

Visit Perast

Perast is a small town in the Bay of Kotor, that used have one of the most famous naval schools in Adriatic sea. Within its relatively small territory, Perast has 18 churches including the Church of Saint Nicholas with its impressive 55 meter high bell tower. Islands St. George and Lady of the Rocks, which are located close to the coast of Perast are regarded as the most attractive part of the bay.

Visit Durmitor

The beautiful landscapes of Durmitor form part of a large national park, established in 1952. The park is located in the southwest of Montenegro and it contains the massif of Durmitor with the canyon of river Tara – the second deepest canyon In the world. Durmitor is recognized by the beauty of its 18 glacial lakes, the largest one being the Black Lake. It is located 2 km away from the town of Zabljak – which is the winter tourism centre of Montenegro.