Gavra Vukovića b.b, Podgorica
Dentistry: 020 227 227
Polyclinic: 020 227 224
Gynecology: 020 227 444

Dr Milija Šuković

Dr Vanja Matanović
med. dent

Dr Drazen Nikcevic
med. dent

Dr Filip Šuković

Dr Jelena Rutešić
med. dent

Dr Aleksa Raičković
med. dent

Dr Zoran Mirković
maxillofacial surgery specialist

Dr Sascha A. Jovanovic
specialist of periodontology and implant surgery

Dr Bernard Touati
specialist of prosthodontics

Danica Radović
Dental nurse

Dijana Šćepanović
Dental nurse

Aleksandra Jevric
Dental nurse

Maša Vujošević
Dental laboratory

Nađa Vukadinovic
Dental nurse

Milena Bojanić
Dental nurse

Milica Vukčević
Dental laboratory

Milan Marković
Dental laboratory

Milija Šuković

Filip Šuković

Vanja Matanović

Jelena Rutešić

Dr Drazen Nikcevic
med. dent

Dr Zoran Mirković
maxillofacial surgery specialist

Dr Bernard Touati
specialist of prosthodontics

Dr Sascha A. Jovanovic
specialist of periodontology and implant surgery

Danica Radović
Dental nurse

Nadja Vukadinovic
Dental nurse

Dijana Šćepanović
Dental nurse

Milica Vukčević
Dental laboratory

Aleksandra Jevric
Dental nurse

Milan Marković
Dental laboratory

Maša Vujošević
Dental laboratory
Dr Milija Sukovic med.dent
Dr Milija Sukovic was born in Cetinje, Montenegro.
He graduated from gymnasium in Kotor, before completing his university degree in dentistry at the University of Belgrade in 1984.
He completed his specialty and master studies in Implantology at the University of California Los Angeles.
Dr Milija Sukovic as a member of the organizational board at World Dental Congress, which took place in Belgrade in 1985.
Dr Milija Sukovic receiving certificate of membership at the ceremony organized by International College of Dentists in Vienna, 2011.
Dr Milija Sukovic with fellow colleagues of the International College of Dentists at the University of Vienna
Dr Sasa A. Jovanovic, Dr Milija Sukovic I Dr William R. Yancey at the graduation ceremony for specialty studies at, UCLA , Los Angeles in 2008.
Dr Milija Sukovic with fellow colleagues during specialty studies at the Institute of Dentistry at the UCLA, Los Angeles, in 2008.
Dr Milija Sukovic with Mr. Apostolopulous, Greek billionaire , as a member of the Montenegrian delegation attending the opening ceremony of the hospital in Thessaloniki.
Dr Milija Sukovic with Dr Henry Takei, professor of clinical parodontology at the University of Los Angeles , 2008
Dr Filip Sukovic med.dent
Dr Filip Sukovic was born in Cetinje. He graduated high school at St Clares International College in Oxford, studied biochemical science at the Birckback University in London and graduated at the Faculty of Dentistry, University CEU Cardenal Herrera in Valencia, Spain.

Dr. Jelena Rutesic (Lekovic) med dent
Dr Jelena Rutesic (Lekovic) med.dent was born in Podgorica. She graduated from the Medical high school (2000 – 2004) in Podgorica, and continued her studies at the Faculty of Dentistry at University of Pancevo (2004 -2009).
Dr Rutesic works in private practice since 2011.
Dr Vanja Matanovic med.dent.
Dr Vanja Matanovic was born in Djakovica, in the Republic of Serbia. She graduated from Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Belgrade in 2007. Dr Matanovic works in private practice since 2008.
Dr Zoran Mirkovic , maxillofacial surgery specialist
Completed his specialty studies in maxillofacial surgery at the VMA ( Military Medical Academy) in 1992.
Receives the Doctor of Sciences title in 2007.
Member of the Association of maxillofacial surgeons in Serbia.
Member of European Association of Cranio – Maxillofacial surgeons.
Author of 200 scientific papers and one monography.
Specializes in a wide spectrum of esthetic and tumor pathologies of head and neck, with immediate reconstruction of soft and hard tissue defects.
Dr Bernard Touati , specialist of prosthodontics
• Former assistant-professor in Prosthodontics (Paris 5 University)
• Visiting Professor in University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
• Past-president of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
• Member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
• Co-program chairman of the 2001 international meeting of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (Washington, DC)
• Editor-in-chief of ‘Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry’
• International lecturer, author of many publications all over the world, including the text book “Esthetic Dentistry and Ceramic Restorations” (Martin Dunitz publishing)
Dr. Touati has been practicing dentistry since 1970, when he graduated from University of Paris V with two degrees in dental surgery and dental sciences. His specialty is esthetic amd implant dentistry. Formerly an Assistant Professor, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics at the University of Paris V, he is presently Senior Lecturer in Esthetic and Implant dentistry in several universities (Paris VII, Lyon, Marseille) and visiting Professor in the University of Rio de Janeiro(Brazil).
Dr. Touati is the founder and past president of the French Society of Esthetic Dentistry. Currently he is the President of the International Congress on Esthetic Dentistry and immediate past president of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He is an active member of the American Academy of Esthetic
Dr Sascha A. Jovanovic, specialist of periodontology and implant surgery
He restricts his clinical work to dental implant therapy and bone & soft tissue reconstruction and is Founder and Academic Chairman of the gIDE Institute and Assistant Professor at Loma Linda University.
He is the past-president of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) and a past-Board member of the Osseointegration Foundation (OF). He is an honorary member of the South African Society of Periodontology, was the program chair of the EAO 2000 scientific congress, as well an award recipient from the American Academy of Periodontology, the California Society of Periodontists, and the German Implant Society (DGI).
Dr. Jovanovic’s clinical research emphasizes esthetic management in dental implant therapy and bone and soft tissue reconstruction techniques. His applied research focuses on bone regeneration with different bone graft materials, growth factors and barrier membranes as well as the biology of soft tissues around teeth and implants.
He lectures extensively worldwide and has published over 65 articles and book chapters, and one textbook titled Color Atlas of Implantology (Thieme Publ.) which is translated in 8 languages. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the gIDE academic curriculum, is on several editorial boards for scientific journals and presents and teaches his implant protocols globally.